The police on Thursday in Lagos arraigned a 46-year-old man, Segun Okeseara, for allegedly assaulting his neighbours with an aluminium bucket over alleged theft of his sachets of pure water in their apartment.
Okeseara, who lives at No. 3, Olatunde Adegbesan St., Alapere, Ketu, Lagos, is facing a charge of assault at an Isheri Senior Magistrates' Court.
He, however, entered a plea of not guilty.
But the prosecutor, Insp. Nurudeen Thomas, told the court that the accused committed the offence at 7.20 p.m on Oct. 21 at No. 3, Olatunde Adegbesan St., Alapere in Ketu, a Lagos suburb.
He alleged that the accused hit two of his neighbours — Dada Jelili and Ajani Amidu — with an aluminium bucket and injured them over missing sachets of pure water kept in front of his room.
"When the accused challenged the complainants about it, they denied any knowledge about the missing sachets of pure water.
"Okeseara became violent and hit Jelili with an aluminium bucket on the head leaving a deep cut. He also stoned Amidu on the forehead," Thomas said.
The offence, he noted, contravened Section 171 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011.
Section 171 stipulates three years imprisonment for the accused on conviction.
The Senior Magistrate, Mrs Olajunoke Olagbegi-Adelabu, granted the accused bail in the sum of N100,000 with two sureties in like sum.
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